The Christian Brothers Brand

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde

In a competitive marketplace like car repair, it’s important to stand for something. With hundreds of locations nationwide, it’s important that we all strive to stand united. We have the reach and the reputation to be one of America’s leading brands. With consistency and continuity, we will be.The CBA brand is both what we collectively strive to represent as a company and what consumers think and feel about us. When those elements align, there is synchronicity and an opportunity for a strong and thriving brand. We have that opportunity. We are blessed with exceptional people throughout our organization who have the skills, the compassion, and the drive to take Christian Brothers Automotive even further. If we all follow the same roadmap, we’ll get there sooner.

For any questions on usage or interpretation, please contact the Marketing Department.

Our Brand Story

Our company was built on friendship and fellowship. It was 1982 when two friends and fellow church members decided to open an automotive repair business outside of Houston in Mission Bend, Texas. As “brothers in Christ” they decided to call their new venture Christian Brothers Automotive. They let their convictions be their guide by prioritizing transparency and fairness, and by putting people first. Business took off.

In 1996, Christian Brothers Automotive became a registered franchisor and started selling franchise opportunities throughout Texas. Today, with a multi-state presence, we look forward to the future and we remain committed to the values that have gotten us here.

Where car repair and joy intersect.

At the very core of Christian Brothers Automotive is joy – the joy in exceeding our franchisee’s and our guest’s expectations, the joy in working with people who share our values and high standards and the joy in being part of the communities we live and work in.

Fixing cars, driving joy.

Fixing cars and driving joy – it’s what we do and who we are. Joy is the thread that runs through everything we do.

Our Guests

If you want to know who our guests are, you don’t have to look far. You’re one of them. So are your family and friends. So, when we think about innovations and best practices, valuable feedback is all around us. People want solutions and they want them to be convenient and easy. The key drivers in choosing a service provider are trust and reliability – people are looking for partners who can help them keep their lives on track and running smoothly. That’s us.

Our Brand Platform

We focus a lot on maintaining our guests’ cars and trucks, but what about the Christian Brothers Automotive “vehicle?” Think of the brand platform as our car, with its own moving parts. When all the parts are well-tuned and running in concert, we’re operating at peak performance.

Brand Aspiration

Be a light in the automotive service and repair industry.

Brand Position

Fixing cars, driving joy.

Brand Promise

To bring joy and excellence to the automotive service and repair experience.

Ideal Brand Experience

An uplifting, seamless car maintenance and repair service.

Expression Attributes

Honorable, Capable, Compassionate, Joyful.

Positioning & Messaging

How do we see ourselves? How do we want to be seen? In the automotive industry, business innovations are often imitated. Our brand position is “Fixing cars, driving joy,” so how do we own that? As our messaging evolves, we will continue to position Christian Brothers Automotive as the leading solution to car repair and maintenance needs, but we’re going to build on that. It’s the element of joy that can’t be faked or imitated and it’s what sets us apart. A sense of joy will be woven through everything we do, from print ads to blog posts. It’s our point of difference and we’re putting it front and center. For detailed key messages and support points, please contact the Marketing Department.


Orchestrators Of Life


Fixing cars, driving joy.


Christian Brothers Automotive is a nationally franchised organization that provides full auto care services to all makes and models of vehicles.


To bring joy and excellence to the automotive service and repair experience.


We’re people driven by a set of core values that inspire us to be a light for our communities, and to go beyond being just a good neighbor.


To lead our industry by example.


We care for people and their vehicles.


We dedicate ourselves to solving the problem under the symptoms, in everything we do.

Tone Of Voice

When we meet someone who radiates positivity and caring, we can’t get enough of it, right? We want our audience to see us that way, as trusted friends, neighbors who are invested in the community and its well-being, and experts in our field who can keep their vehicle running smoothly. We’re upbeat, experienced, and respectful. Our messaging should be clear and transparent, highlighting the joyful benefits of having your vehicle well-maintained by Christian Brothers Automotive.

Voice & Tone Specifics

When writing in the Christian Brothers Automotive style, use our Brand Personality attributes as a guide to set the tone. Be: honorable, capable, compassionate, and joyful in how you communicate with our audience. These attributes steer us right because they let us show our expertise in a way that’s accessible, our care in a way that’s convincing, and our joy for our work and in helping the communities we serve with authenticity.

We Are Honorable

Being honorable means doing the right thing. Not just sometimes, but always. It means talking respectfully about our industry and our competitors. It means taking the high road and helping others to follow. It means rolling up your sleeves (if they’re not already rolled up) and pitching in. Honorability isn’t flashy, but it has a deep, powerful strength driven by steadfast values.

What this doesn’t mean:

Superior attitude
Hard to relate to

We Are Capable

The combined talents in this company are astounding. It’s why we’re successful. Everyone in the CBA family has expertise, and our guests rely on that. When people walk through our doors, they expect that their needs will be taken care of professionally and courteously.

Confidence is key in conveying ability and credibility. For many of our guests, overly technical details get lost, so make sure you speak in a language they understand.

What this doesn’t mean:


We Are Compassionate

This is a quiet but potent characteristic. Our mission to love your neighbor demonstrates Christ’s compassion, kindness and mercy. It leads us to greater understanding and empathy. It’s what compels us to volunteer in our communities or to stay late and fix a single mother’s van. Compassion comes from the heart, and it makes its presence known in the ways we connect with people and build lasting relationships.

As a company, our compassion is reflected in how we acknowledge and portray our diverse audience and their needs, and how we make giving back an everyday practice.

What this doesn’t mean:


We Are Joyful

Our joy further sets us apart and elevates our brand. We do this job because we love it. We love cars. We love people and the communities we live and work in.

When joy is present, it inspires others to tap into their inner joy. Before you know, the whole environment becomes more fun, positive, and collaborative. Moving forward, let joy be your driver, you’ll like where it takes you.

What this doesn’t mean:

Corny or silly
Not serious about our work

Copy Do's

  1. Do speak with understanding and empathy.
  2. Do write as you would talk to someone.
  3. Do show expertise while remaining approachable.
  4. Do portray yourself and the company as a vital part of the community.

Copy Don’ts

  1. Don’t be overly technical.
  2. Don’t be boastful or lofty.
  3. Don’t focus on the car so much that you forget about the people in it.
  4. Don’t speak in the third person; engage people directly.



At Christian Brothers, we hold ourselves to the highest standards and work to keep every car working at its best. Our customers can rely on our expertise and our commitment to excellence. They know that we care and they can see the results.


Every car comes with a person, and we never forget that. We believe that what’s behind the wheel is just as important as what’s under the hood. So, in addition to fixing your car or changing your oil, we’d like to change the way you think about car repair. That’s what driving joy is all about.


  1. Do write how you talk.
  2. Do talk in personal terms, showcasing honesty and relatability.


  1. Don’t speak about customers. Speak to them.
  2. Don’t use lofty language when speaking about our services.

There’s nothing we won’t do to make sure that our customers receive the kind of care they need for their cars, and themselves.


Concern for cars? That’s a given. 
 What sets us apart is our eagerness to connect, to make a difference in people’s lives, and to always lend a hand.


  1. Do get to the point in a quick, conversational way.
  2. Do vary sentence length for a casual tone.


  1. Don’t get overly wordy with your descriptions.
  2. Don’t just talk about who you are, communicate how it sets you apart.


$10 off your next oil change.

Visit today.



When an oil change can create positive change.

[That’s driving joy.]


  1. Do write how you talk.
  2. Do talk in personal terms, showcasing honesty and relatability.
  3. Do make them brief.


  1. Don’t speak about customers, speak to them..
  2. Don’t use lofty language when talking about our services.

We are all Brand Ambassadors – we are all Joy-Fluencers

When we are out in our communities, we are literally the face of CBA and what we stand for. When we take pride in our company and show joy in the work we do, people notice. They want to be part of it.

A Joyfluencer is unique to our company; you could call it a homegrown hybrid. It’s a term for someone who can elevate the mood in a room and inspire everyone around them with their positive attitude and their joyful demeanor. They see possibilities not roadblocks. They see common ground not differences. Anyone can be a Joyfluencer, it doesn’t require any special training, just desire.

We have many tools in our marketing toolbox, but nothing can embody our brand values and promote joy like you can.